First Batch of School eQATAME Associates, Recognized
Fatima P. Fajardo
A total of eighty-seven (87) School Electronic Quality Assurance, Technical Assistance, Monitoring and Evaluation (QATAME) associates from the twenty-nine (29) schools of Pasay gathered at Jose Rizal Elementary School Conference Hall on December 6, 2019 for the Completion Rites for School eQATAME Associates.
The event was a culmination of the series of activities for eQATAME associates which kicked off with a Training-Workshop on November 20-23, 2018. The school associates were also put to a test when they conducted the eQATAME in their respective schools during the conduct of their Mid-year In-service Training (INSET) for Teachers.
Mrs. Flerida S. Pajarillaga, Senior Education Program Specialist for Monitoring and Evaluation, in her speech took everybody in the memory lane as she refreshed on the history of eQATAME for SDO Pasay. She emphasized that SDO-Pasay passionately took the challenge of fostering at the school level the Quality Assurance, Technical Assistance, Monitoring and Evaluation (QATAME) mechanism to ascertain the achievement of quality standards. She also added that, in the same light, the eQATAME adheres to the Learning and Development (L&D) framework ensuring that the Program Management Team of every professional development activity adheres to the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) – HRDD quality standards.
Mrs. Pajarillaga highlighted that the development of the School eQATAME starts from being an Alternate Member to School Associate, then, Division Alternate Member, up to its end goal of becoming Division eQATAME Associate. Each School eQATAME Associate can now be assigned to be part of any trainings conducted within Pasay to be Division Alternate Members.
Collar pins bearing the logo of SDO-Pasay were given as a symbol of recognition for full-fledged School Associates.